One decades worth of Internet, analytics, and numerous case studies have shown that the more invested a person is during the “dating stage” with a particular attorney or law firm the more likely they are to become a customer of the law firm. In this blog post, I will break down–in order–how to get your prospective client more invested in the interaction with you–their estate planning attorney. So without further ado..
Number one. Make it easy for them to find you.
Make it easy for them to find you. Most commonly known strategies: organic search ranking, google my business, paid search advertising, social media ads, direct mailers, radio and television. You have to do whatever you have to do in order to get more traffic to your website. Consult your marketing specialist for recommendations.
Number two. Lead, Nurture & Guide them.
Once you have your foot in the door and they are on your website now, it is time to lead, nurture and guide them the way you most enjoy doing it. Show them you’re listening, have a conversation with them and provide answers to their questions. Read more on my top 3 ways to extend more value to your prospective clients.
Number three. What to do after they take initial action.
After they take initial action. At this point, you have their contact information and your website has produced the result you most desire. This is where most attorneys quit, but this is actually where attorneys are generating quality leads with prospective clients–quality leads that know and understand the benefits of a trust over a simple well will–will become live calls and appointments for you. Your objective from number two was simply to get people into the beginning of your funnel. Once you have accomplished that your new objective is to funnel, only the right and best prospects into booking a time to meet and to speak with you the attorney.
You now possess the power once they are in your funnel to weed out people who are not serious about working with you to get their estate plan completed. It is OK to make them work in order to claim a piece of your very precious time. Now that they are in your funnel, you can take appropriate action to get your prospective client to invest more time, more clicks into the interaction with you the attorney.
Need help?
If you are an attorney that wants to write more estate plans and generate more leads online and off-line then I may be able to help you. I build a system that generates live calls and appointments from people in your area that need help with their estate plan. To book a time to speak with me, help me learn more about you and your business by completing the quiz here. The quiz is very short–only 2 to 3 minutes. Make sure you enter your email at the end so I know how to match up your answers with you. From there, you will be able to book a time with me to discuss your marketing strategy.