In the decade I’ve been working with estate planning attorneys I’ve noticed there are certain characteristics that differentiate prospects and leads for estate planning attorneys as compared to prospects in other areas of law. Knowing who your prospect is and getting really clear on who they are and what their needs are is a great way to improve your law firm marketing.
How Estate Planning Prospects Are Different
1-Preconceived notions about what it’s like to work with an attorney
People think lawyers are scary because of the way they are portrayed in the media. It’s even more important that you humanize yourself and build the relationship with your prospective client as soon as you can.
2-They are in no hurry to get their estate plan set up
Estate plans most often aren’t things that need to be done this week. How can you go about convincing your prospect into moving forward?
How EP Attorneys Can Overcome These Factors
The more educated your prospects are the more comfortable they will be with moving forward. They see the value in what you do and appreciate you answering their questions.
Every exchange increases your prospects investment to work with you. No one likes interviewing attorneys to find the right one, it’s your duty not to lose them.
Build that relationship as soon and early as you can. From the moment they first see your ad, to when they’re on your website to when you’re speaking with them on the phone for the first time. Relationship building is everything for estate planning attorneys.